Saturday, June 10, 2006

There exists a scarcely-interconnected world. That of the hipster. Actually, better accuracy would require definition of many such worlds, each apparently corresponding to the individual hipster him/herself. While I profess a depth of experience with this class of individual that is akin to that of their strained rapport with the mainstream, the early returns are startling. I appear to despise hipsters.

I can't pursue this any further: I have to go to a wedding. Hopefully there will be hipsters present that I can directly engage. Will a hipster run from a fight? What motivates the hipster? These questions will almost certainly go unposed, as the groom is possibly mutton-head. I could wander the earth with an entire LARGE UNIT of mutton strapped to my headpiece for 6 months and still not be within shouting distance. What is a mutton-head? No, really, he's a nice guy.


Anonymous said...

This is a good refence...

Anonymous said...

phil buddy, you sir are the hipster. what with your everyman blogging and esoteric vocab. and it appears youve caught wave of the nouveau hipster trend -- rejection of hipsterdom. a shining example you are, to be sure. a pioneer of sorts! good luck to you in italy and thanks for the email note. i'll write you sometime shortly, if i don't forget. i will try really hard not to forget.
